Modern Slavery Statement 2022

The Hall of Vape is committed to promoting and upholding ethical business practices and human rights in all aspects of our operations. We have a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking and are dedicated to taking steps to prevent and eradicate these abuses within our organization and supply chain.

Our Commitment:

  1. Policies and Compliance: We have established robust policies and procedures to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations concerning modern slavery and human trafficking. These policies cover various areas, including recruitment, employment practices, and supply chain management.
  2. Supply Chain Due Diligence: We conduct thorough due diligence on our supply chain to identify and assess any potential risks of modern slavery and human trafficking. We strive to work with suppliers who share our commitment to ethical practices and expect them to adhere to our Supplier Code of Conduct.
  3. Supplier Engagement: We communicate our expectations to our suppliers and partners and seek their commitment to fair labor practices, human rights, and compliance with applicable laws. We encourage open dialogue and collaboration to address any issues related to modern slavery or human trafficking.
  4. Employee Awareness and Training: We provide our employees with training and awareness programs to ensure they understand the risks associated with modern slavery and human trafficking. This includes recognizing the signs, reporting mechanisms, and their role in maintaining a responsible and ethical business environment.
  5. Reporting Mechanisms: We maintain confidential reporting channels to encourage the reporting of any concerns or suspicions related to modern slavery or human trafficking. We treat all reports seriously and take appropriate action to investigate and address any alleged violations.
  6. Continuous Improvement: We continuously review and improve our practices to prevent and detect modern slavery and human trafficking. We engage with industry initiatives, collaborate with stakeholders, and stay informed about legal and regulatory developments to ensure our policies and procedures remain effective.


The responsibility for our anti-modern slavery and human trafficking efforts rests with the management team at The Hall of Vape. We have designated a senior executive who oversees the implementation, monitoring, and effectiveness of our policies and procedures.

Review and Reporting:

We will review and update this Modern Slavery Statement on an annual basis, reflecting our ongoing commitment to combatting modern slavery and human trafficking. This statement is publicly available on our website and is communicated to our employees, suppliers, and stakeholders.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions or concerns about our Modern Slavery Statement or wish to report any suspected violations, please contact us at [email protected]. Your cooperation and support are vital as we work together to eradicate modern slavery and human trafficking.The Hall of Vape Management Team